Alex Cochran

Software & DevOps Engineer

Highly motivated engineer with experience in web development, devops, and data analysis.

GitLab @alexcochran
GitHub @alexcochran


Languages and Notations

Python, Typescript, PHP, Ruby, Bash, HTML, MATLAB, YAML, JSON, TOML


Flask Django, Express, Ruby on Rails, REST APIs, API clients, unit testing, system integration


TailwindCSS, SCSS, vanilla CSS, Astro, Gatsby, React


Docker, Docker Compose, Terraform, Ansible, GitLab, CI/CD, Dev Containers, GitHub Actions, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, TeamCity, GNU/Linux Server Admin


SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, ORMs

Project Management

Agile, Conventional Commits, first-class documentation, low-code automation, OpenAPI Specification



Software & Integration Engineer Feb 2020 - Jun 2023

I developed APIs and integrations, deployed services, and configured customer environments.

  • Developed REST API integrations with Python & PHP for customer data ETL
  • Built custom containerized integration script for customer to deploy on own infrastructure
  • Aggregated company data to build an internal UI for accelerated support
  • Improved API with bug fixes and additional endpoints
  • Built demo Microsoft Power Platform integrations to improve SharePoint Online posting from our app
  • Implemented safer policies for sharing sensitive credentials
  • Operated service builds and deployments to to Google Cloud Platform
  • Produced documentation for Cerkl's APIs (via OpenAPI), integrations, and interfaces
  • Designed SQL queries for ad hoc reporting and customer support
  • Built Python framework to analyze datasets uploaded by customers with error reporting
  • Supported feature requests with analysis of customer data

Center for Pulmonary Imaging Research

Graduate Research Software Engineer Jul 2017 - Jan 2020

I conducted precinical lung MRI studies and wrote applications to analyze the data.

  • Collected data and wrote image processing and analysis software for preclinical MRI studies
  • Built ETL pipelines to produce internal images of mice from raw data
  • Visualized lung diseases and progression with computed maps of MRI metrics
  • Redesigned and extended Python-controlled animal ventilation control system used during MRI
  • Implemented Git and GitHub in the lab to improve development practices


Biomedical Engineering MS Thesis

  • Novel MRI data analysis
  • Tracked lung disease progression in mice with T2* maps made from 1H ultrashort echo (UTE) images
  • Validated unnecessity of cardiac gating in 129Xe apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) imaging


University of Cincinnati

Aug 2017 - May 2023
MS Biomedical Engineering

The Ohio State University

Aug 2013 - May 2017
BS Materials Science & Engineering



GNU/Linux, Dev Containers, Homelab (self-hosting), Automation, Plant care

Outdoor Adventuring

Hiking, Mountaineering, Trail running, Rafting, Skiing


Guitar, Electronic, Jam, Jazz, Funk, Improvisation, Digital audio workstations